The Insights of Higher Awareness offers in-depth, but concise, explanations of essential spiritual truths thought to be common to all religions and spiritual paths, as well as practical guidelines on spiritual growth. The book is both a combination of theory and practice, founded on the premise that spiritual growth is a matter of deepening awareness, disclosing a unified vision beyond the ordinary mind and familiar self-sense. Our ordinary sense of self, termed the ego, is a self-consciousness which is exclusive and possessive. Our mind, the seat of the ego, projects a sense of “mine-ness” which is separate and divisive. Because it must defend its self-boundaries, the ego must always draw a line between “me” and “not me,” a perceived division which is the root of psychological suffering. This book discusses the ego mindset at length, and offers a technique, termed disidentification, for throwing off its shackles, and entering our natural state of unbounded awareness.